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Reducing Office Waste

Get everyone at the office invested in sustainability with these simple steps! Caring about the environment around you doesn’t need to be difficult; it can be as simple as encouraging your employees to reduce waste in the office. Not only will this help make your business more sustainable; it’s also a great way to focus your company’s spending on more important things. Here are some quick and easy ways to go green today:

Make your Office Paperless

This might be tough starting out, but it’s a great goal for you to set at your office. Encouraging employees to think critically about how and when they use paper can really get them to notice how wasteful they’re being. There are some easy ways to get staff to remember this going green tactic: add physical reminders in the office that ask “will you use this paper document more than once?”; make printing something that requires employees to put the exact number of pages in the printer first, so they see how much waste they’ll produce; and make sure all papers are double-sided. Besides consistent recycling, these are some great first steps to introduce your staff to sustainability.

Start a Green Team

An amazing way to get your office thinking deeper about sustainability is by forming a green team with excited employees. As more people become concerned about the environment, they’re already brainstorming and practicing ways to reduce waste in the office all on their own. Invite your dedicated staffers to support your Calgary company’s efforts by coming up with timelines and suggestions for how you can continue to reduce waste in the office. Make sure you include staff from different departments, so that everyone is invested! It will be a lot easier for your business to continue lessening the garbage you create if everyone is helping to identify issues. Starting small will leave you amazed at how quickly employees pick up new, eco-friendly habits.

Create a Reuse Station

Encourage employees to start reusing materials rather than throwing them out once they don’t need them anymore. Creating one central spot where employees place clean, reusable items they don’t have a use for will show the team how much trash they’re actually contributing. Obviously no one’s leftovers should be dumped in the reuse section, but this is a great place for people to share paperclips, old file folders, and other office materials that somebody else might be looking for. Not only will this be advantageous for ending extra waste at your business, but it will also reduce excess spending. Albertan companies often end up spending more money than necessary on supplies, simply because they aren’t being shared properly by coworkers.

Reducing waste at your company can feel like a big job, but your janitors can really help. Our professional janitorial services are trained to identify waste problems and provide suggestions on how to combat them. Our dedicated team is happy to help make sure your eco-friendly goals are achieved. Call us today at 403-668-1665 or visit us online for a free estimate.

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