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How to plan a condo cleaning schedule

We have all been stuck inside and far away from each other this year for longer than we planned or wanted. With winter just around the corner, we will be spending even more time at home. For many Calgarians, our lives and routines have been disrupted, affecting our moods and health. Achieve some normalcy and healthy self-care at home by establishing an improved cleaning schedule for your condo. Here is how to get started:


Prioritize based on use

Calgary condominiums have a very different atmosphere and cleaning schedule than the large homes in the suburbs. Although we don’t need to worry about the spiders hiding in an overflowing garage, we have some pressing issues. Limited space means a lot more traffic in the fewer rooms, which causes dirt and grime to build up quicker than homeowners might expect. When building your condo cleaning schedule, it is important to prioritize around your general schedule and preferred hang out spots. Are you someone who watches TV and snacks in bed late at night? Then maybe you need to change the sheets more often. Do you do yoga beside your couch at lunch? Then definitely increase how often you vacuum the living room floor and clean under the sofa. Manage your cleaning schedule and mood by prioritizing the areas of your condo you like to spend the most time in.


Don’t do it alone

Even if you live by yourself or are the only person in the house really worried about cleaning, you do not have to do everything alone. If possible, definitely recruit spouses, children, and roommates to assist in tidying your Albertan home. However, they’re not the only ones you can rely on. Why not try out tody for a little application assistance? If you’re more old fashioned like us, we love and recommend Modern Castle’s colourful and printer-friendly cleaning schedule. This easy visual shows you the entire year, without being overwhelming. Of course, if you’re still stuck, Zanjani Cleaning Services offers a variety of residential help to improve the health and look of your home. Our customizable packages and flexible scheduling means you’ll receive skilled, eco-friendly service that suits your needs.


Rely on good enough

Cleaning condos is often more about managing your mess rather than permanently removing it. Remember when putting together your cleaning schedule that it is not about reorganizing – that’s extracurricular. Do not plan to Marie Kondo your condo each week or soon enough your home will feel like a landfill. Set a timer for each vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down task; then stick to it. Didn’t finish? That’s okay, you will be back next week to get to the rest. This reduces the stress and dread of the one big cleaning day we tend to avoid. Besides, your cleaning skills will improve over time and you’ll be done before the alarm soon enough.


Call Zanjani Cleaning today at (403) 668-1665 or visit us online for a free quote and get help with your condo cleaning schedule.

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