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Get Your Child Back-to-School Ready with a Clean “Homework Zone” - Zanjani Cleaning Service - Cleaning Service Calgary

Get Your Child Back-to-School Ready with a Clean “Homework Zone”

Do you have a good kid who’s dreading going back to school because they can never seem to remember where their homework is? There’s no reason why you should spend another year cleaning up the books, bags, and binders left around the house, only to find months old lunch leftovers. All hope is not lost. These simple steps will help get your kid, and your family, back on track for the new school year. Building a designated Homework Station gives your child the right tools to stay organized, learn study habits, and feel good about how they’re doing in class!

Pick the Perfect Location.

Choosing the perfect spot to set up your child’s Homework Station can feel tougher than you might expect, since shared family spaces usually have their own clutter. However, it’s important that young students are studying somewhere that they can be monitored, especially if their homework involves using a computer. Quick social media checks can turn into long hours of chatting with friends instead of finishing projects. Try to keep your child’s station somewhere on the main floor, so you can keep an eye on what’s being done. They don’t need a ton of space, but it should be somewhere free of distraction. If you have a busy home, get creative with a poster board divider!

Build a Launch Pad.

Have a special bin near the exit that is specifically for the school supplies your child needs to take with them every morning. Essentially, this ‘launches’ your child into the day. When they come home, they can place their backpack, lunchbox, binders, and books inside for safekeeping. Practicing this simple habit daily will help your child understand the benefits of organization – you can find what you need easily! With only two places that school items belong (writing and archive supplies in the Homework Station, current projects and school items in the Launch Pad), these new organization tasks will feel manageable.

Lead By Example.

This is the toughest one to live by but it’s a good time to look around. What is your work space like? Showing your kids how you prioritize organization and cleanliness in the home will help them pick up tips and habits. Get your children involved by asking them to help you prep your own work space, similar to theirs. The whole family will soon be picking up simple, cleanly habits! You have a much tougher job with keeping the house clean alongside your other responsibilities, and it can be tough to show kids that you value cleanliness when you just don’t have time to keep everything shiny. Hiring a residential cleaning service to help you care for your home will set an example of the kind of organization and cleanliness you expect.

Zanjani Cleaning Services offers package deals so you can pick and choose exactly what chores you need help with, without paying extra. Call us today at (403) 668-1665 or visit online here for a free quote today, no commitment required.

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