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Ultimate Holiday Cleaning Guide

The Ultimate Holiday Cleaning Guide

Having loved ones over for the holidays, especially after the wild year we’ve had, is a very special opportunity for us to reconnect with family and friends through great food and even better company. The cleaning that comes along with hosting said guests, however, can be downright stressful. For some people, this can really impact their ability to enjoy the holidays. As professional cleaners, we know how important having a clean house is for you, so we wanted to share our “Ultimate Holiday Cleaning Guide” to reduce your stress levels while still presenting a gorgeous home for the holidays!

Start Early

The key is spreading out your housekeeping tasks over several days so that you aren’t panicking the night before everyone arrives. One week is usually a sufficient amount of time to get everything done, while still having time to attend to your day-to-day. When the big day comes and you’re waiting for everyone to arrive, you’ll only need to worry about small tasks. 

Day One

Take this opportunity to do a walk-through of your home and assess all your needs. Will you have guests staying overnight? How much cooking will you be doing? What areas will your guests have or need access to? Answering these questions will give you a good idea of what you can expect. Pick up any cleaning supplies you may need over the course of the week.

Day Two

Use this day to clean areas that guests will see, but won’t get dirty in between now and the end of the week. This could include cleaning guest bedrooms, washing the linens, wiping down windows and baseboards as these are all tasks that won’t need to be redone. 

Day Three

Likely the least glamorous of all the tasks, day three should be designated for cleaning the bathrooms. Deep clean every one in the house. That means getting in behind the toilets, laundering the shower curtains, and scrubbing out the tub. You’ll be happy to get this over and done with, since you’ll only need to give the surfaces a quick wipe down just before guests arrive.

Day Four

You’re halfway there! Day four is for tidying up that entryway and making it easily accessible for your guests. Focus on the shoe rack, the closet, and even the rugs. Make sure there is space for everyone’s things as you’ll be so excited to see your guests on the day of, jacket space will be the furthest thing from your mind! 

Day Five

If you’re having guests over, chances are you’re probably planning to feed them at some point. Take day five and go hard on the kitchen. Wipe down and clean out the stovetop, the oven, and all the food preparation areas. Go through the fridge and throw out any old food, make room for the inevitable leftovers and storage you’ll need for the end of the week. 

Day Six

Now that you have all the hard work out of the way, it’s time for the finishing touches. Go through the whole house dusting and sweeping, cleaning up any newly created messes, and decorating as you make your rounds. Make sure all the recycling, compost, and garbage bins have been emptied and taken out.

The Big Day

It’s finally come! The day when all your guests will file in and you can make merry. On the morning of your event, make sure the walkway is shovelled to create a clear path for your loved ones. It’s always a good idea to lay down some ice melt at this time too. Spreading it out in the morning will give it enough time to work its way at the ice. Then you can polish up any last-minute tasks like putting out fresh towels and lighting candles, pour yourself a glass of wine, and enjoy the rest of your day! 

Dealing with the Aftermath

Once the festivities are done and all the guests have left, it’s time to deal with the aftermath. Deal with perishable items first, ie: the food. Luckily, you already cleaned out the fridge on day five, so you’ll have plenty of room for food storage. Either load up the dishwasher with all the dirty dishes or enlist some help to hand wash. Get the kitchen cleaned up first and foremost as it will likely be the messiest. Wait until the next day to tackle guest bedrooms, carpets, and bathrooms. If you’re too exhausted or busy to even think about post-hosting clean-up, schedule a professional cleaner to do it for you. 


Cleaning is an essential part of the holiday season, but definitely not one of the most exciting ones. Don’t let those chores take the fun out of your celebrations. Follow the schedule above, adjust to your unique situation, and enjoy your time with family and friends! For help getting your home prepared or cleaning up afterwards, give our team of professionals a call, we’d be happy to offer you a complimentary quote! 

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