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Prepare for Autumn with a Carpet Steam Cleaning - Zanjani Cleaning Service - Janitorial Service Calgary - Featured Image

Prepare for Autumn with a Carpet Steam Cleaning

Unfortunately, just because it isn’t spring anymore doesn’t mean we can forget about cleaning! It’s pretty easy to ignore the trouble indoors when you’re outside raking leaves, but lots of carpet cleaning professionals recommend autumn as the best time of year for steam cleaning rugs in the home. Here’s why you should be getting your carpets steam-cleaned during both of the transitional seasons:

Say Goodbye to Summer Allergens

We’re sure you’ve noticed how many of your friends and family members have seasonal allergies caused by the dust and weeds of Alberta’s warmer months. Without proper cleaning, dust mites and other allergens can build up in your home’s rugs and hide out there throughout the winter. As the weather gets colder, you and your family will start spending more time indoors, close to the carpets holding all that hidden mess! Without the thorough disinfection that comes with steam cleaning, summer bacteria will get too comfortable in your rug fibers and grow exponentially during the summer months. Avoiding triggering your family member’s asthma by having your carpets cleaned ASAP.

Bring Back the Vibrancy

You may be looking down at your carpet right now thinking, it looks fine to me! We agree, your carpets probably do look fine, especially if you’re an Albertan homemaker that vacuums regularly. Unfortunately, vacuuming only cleans the top layer of your rug. Feet do a great job of rubbing grime and bacteria past the suction’s reach and into the root of your rug’s fibers. This is especially likely if folks have been running around barefoot in your home, since the natural human oils get absorbed into the rug’s colours. All this leads to the slow discolouration of your home’s carpets. Slowly enough that you might not notice right now, but you’ll definitely see the difference after a good steam clean! Remember how much you liked that carpet when you bought it?

Be Guest Ready

The changeover of fall represents a warm, interior time for many Albertans. The cold weather includes lots of holidays and visiting friends and family from distant places. Proudly welcome your holiday guests over during the winter season, without feeling self-conscious about the state of your floors. With the windows closed and lots of friends inside, dirty rugs are more likely to irritate guests’ allergies and asthma. Get brighter, healthier floors by hiring a steam cleaning professional to care for your home. Your rugs experience a ton of wear and tear with all the guests and time spent indoors. The best way to protect your carpets is to invest in regularly vacuuming and a thorough washing to remove sneaky germs!


Zanjani Cleaning Services provides flexible scheduling and professional steam cleaning to Calgary and its surrounding areas. Hiring a professional to steam clean your Albertan home’s carpets means that your whole family can breathe easy this winter, with the windows shut tight against the cold! Call us today at 403-668-1665 or visit us online to get a free quote, and say goodbye to the dangers of dust build up in your home.

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